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Getting Somalia wrong? Faith, war and hope in a shattered state
ISBN: 9781842779323 9781842779330 Year: 2012 Publisher: London Zed

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"Somalia is a failed state, representing a threat to itself, its neighbours and the wider world. In recent years, it has become notorious for the piracy off its coast and the rise of Islamic extremism, opening it up as a new 'southern front' in the war on terror. At least that is how it is inevitably portrayed by politicians and in the media. In Getting Somalia Wrong? Mary Harper presents the first comprehensive account of the chaos into which the country has descended and the United States' renewed involvement there. In doing so, Harper argues that viewing Somalia through the prism of al-Qaeda risks further destabilizing the country and the entire Horn of Africa, while also showing that though the country may be a failed state, it is far from being a failed society. In reality, alternative forms of business, justice, education and local politics have survived and even flourished. Provocative in its analysis, Harper shows that until the international community starts to 'get it right' the consequences will be devastating, not just for Somalia, but for the world."--Publisher's website.

African conflicts and informal power : big men and networks
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781848138827 9781848138834 9781848138841 1848138849 1848138822 1280062819 9781280062810 9781848138858 1848138857 1848138830 1350218138 9786613519979 Year: 2012 Publisher: London, England : [London, England] : Zed Books, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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"In the aftermath of an armed conflict in Africa, the international community both produces and demands from local partners a variety of blueprints for reconstructing state and society. The aim is to re-formalize the state after what is viewed as a period of fragmentation. In reality, African economies and polities are very much informal in character, with informal actors, including so-called Big Men, often using their positions in the formal structure as a means to reach their own goals. Through a variety of in-depth case studies, including the DRC, Sierra Leone and Liberia, African Conflicts and Informal Power shows how important informal political and economic networks are in many of the continent's conflict areas. Moreover, it demonstrates that without a proper understanding of the impact of these networks, attempts to formalize African states, particularly those emerging from wars, will be in vain"--Provided by publisher.

L'homme qui répare les femmes : violences sexuelles au Congo, le combat du docteur Mukwege
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782874951947 2874951943 Year: 2012 Volume: 3 Publisher: Bruxelles GRIP André Versaille

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Non, la haine et la violence ne sont pas inscrites dans les gènes des peuples des Grands Lacs! Mais que penser de ces images en provenance de l’Est du Congo, de cette guerre qui a pris un nouveau visage, celui de la barbarie, de la cruauté gratuite? Avec les femmes comme principales victimes: violées, mutilées, terrorisées.Depuis quinze ans, Denis Mukwege, médecin-chef à l’hôpital de Panzi (Sud-Kivu), fait face à une urgence qui dure: vagins détruits et âmes mortes. Le gynécologue coud et répare. A mains nues, il se bat contre le viol, cette arme de guerre qui mine toute une société. Son combat lui vaut une large reconnaissance internationale, dont le prix des droits de l’homme en France et le prix Roi Baudouin pour le développement 2011.Plongeant le lecteur dans ce Kivu paradisiaque devenu un enfer, ce livre doit sa force aux regards croisés de deux témoins de premier plan: Colette Braeckman, une journaliste passionnée par le Congo, qui revient d’abord sur les séquences du désastre. Un rappel historique indispensable. Elle nous invite ensuite à démêler les mobiles des seigneurs de la guerre, fait écho à la souffrance des femmes, leur rend hommage... Sa plume «trahit» sa colère, son écoeurement, sa compassion. Parfois désenchantée et révoltée, mais jamais fataliste. Denis Mukwege, au premier plan, vit ces horreurs de l’intérieur. Avec lui, c’est bien sûr le médecin qui parle, mais très vite l’homme, le citoyen s’exprime. Ses réflexions complètent à merveille le récit hallucinant de l’auteur. Le résultat : un ouvrage original et puissant… (Bron: covertekst)


Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- gender --- Polemology --- mensenrechten --- Mukwege, Denis --- Kivu --- Viol comme arme de guerre --- Victimes de viol --- Foltering --- Mukwege, Denis. --- 855.3 GenocideSeksueel geweld --- Rape as a weapon of war --- Rape victims --- Rape --- Women and war --- BPB1109 --- Congo --- Torture --- Afrika --- Seksueel geweld --- 851 Burgeroorlogen --- 855.3 Genocide --- 857 Oorlogsslachtoffers --- Violence sexuelle --- War and women --- War --- Women and the military --- Assault, Criminal (Rape) --- Assault, Sexual --- Criminal assault (Rape) --- Nonconsensual sexual intercourse --- Sexual assault --- Offenses against the person --- Sex crimes --- Female rape victims --- Sexual abuse victims --- War rape --- War crimes --- Medical care --- Kongo --- 406 --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Kivu (Congo [Democratic Republic ] : Region) --- Low intensity conflicts (Military science) --- przemoc seksualna --- сексуално насилство --- sexuellt våld --- seksuaalinen väkivalta --- violencia sexual --- vjolenza sesswali --- spolno nasilje --- seksualforbrydelse --- βιασμός --- dhunë seksuale --- sexual violence --- seksueel geweld --- seksuaalne vägivald --- sexuálně motivované násilí --- seksualinis prievartavimas --- nemi erőszak --- sexuálne motivované násilie --- violență sexuală --- сексуално насиље --- seksuāla vardarbība --- violência sexual --- violenza sessuale --- sexuelle Gewalt --- foréigean gnéasach --- сексуално насилие --- violação --- seksuele mishandeling --- spolni napad --- sexual assault --- abbuż sesswali --- sexuálny útok --- seksualinė prievarta --- agressão sexual --- rape --- полово насилство --- сексуално злостављање --- seksuāla izmantošana --- seksualno nasilje --- sexual abuse --- ionsaí gnéasach --- agression sexuelle --- znásilnění --- violación --- izvarošana --- σεξουαλική κακοποίηση --- raiskaus --- Sexualstraftat --- sexuální zneužívání --- Vergewaltigung --- σεξουαλική επίθεση --- sexuellt ofredande --- erőszakos nemi közösülés --- voldtægt --- силување --- niegodziwe traktowanie w celach seksualnych --- seksualno zlostavljanje --- sexuální násilí --- γενετήσια βία --- stupro --- abus sexuel --- estupro --- drochúsáid ghnéasach --- abuso sexual --- szemérem elleni erőszak --- väkisinmakaaminen --- seksuāls uzbrukums --- vägistamine --- abuso sessuale --- lytinė prievarta --- išžaginimas --- seksualinis išpuolis --- sexueller Missbrauch --- znásilnenie --- aggressione sessuale --- agresión sexual --- pohlavné zneužívanie --- szexuális visszaélés --- attakk sesswali --- seksualni napad --- abusos deshonestos --- våldtäkt --- abuz sexual --- seksuelt misbrug --- napaść na tle seksualnym --- pohlavní zneužívání --- seksuelt overgreb --- përdhunim --- vardarbīga dzimumtieksmes apmierināšana --- sexuální útok --- сексуално нападение --- spolna zloraba --- sexuelle Nötigung --- verkrachting --- aanranding --- seksuaalne kuritarvitamine --- sexuálne zneužívanie --- violenza carnale --- seksuaalne rünnak --- viol --- silovanje --- sexuální trestný čin --- seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö --- mučenje --- tortury --- torture --- мучење --- мъчение --- piinamine --- tortyr --- Folter --- mučenie --- tortură --- torturë --- βασανιστήρια --- foltering --- spīdzināšana --- kidutus --- kínzás --- тортура --- céasadh --- mučení --- tortur --- tortura --- kankinimas --- mishandling --- мачење --- нехумано однесување --- βασανισμός --- нехуман третман --- týrání --- Κονγκό --- Конго --- Kongó --- Kongas --- Congo-Brazzaville --- il-Kongo --- Republikken Congo --- Kongo Respublika --- Congo Brazzaville --- ir-Repubblika tal-Kongo --- Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό --- Kongo Francez --- Конго-Бразавил --- République du Congo --- Kongo Republika --- Kongo Brazavilë --- Република Конго --- Brazzavillen Kongo --- French Congo --- Republika e Kongos --- Repubblica del Congo --- Republica Congo --- Republiken Kongo --- Republika Kongo --- Konžská republika --- Kongo (Brazaville) --- Republika Konga --- República do Congo --- Kongon tasavalta --- Konžská lidová republika --- Republiek Congo --- die Republik Kongo --- Kongo Vabariik --- Kongo-Brazzaville --- República del Congo --- Republic of the Congo --- Kongói Köztársaság --- An Congó --- Rape - Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Rape victims - Medical care - Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Rape as a weapon of war - Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Women and war - Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Battered Women --- Gynecologic Surgical Procedures --- War Crimes --- violence sexuelle --- Forced sexual intercourse --- Forced sexual penetration --- Penetration, Forced sexual --- Sexual intercourse, Forced --- Sexual intercourse, Nonconsensual --- Sexual penetration, Forced

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